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Day 35/36/37 – Puebla – Mexico City

My plan keeps changing πŸ˜› I spent one day more in Puebla, and I didn’t have anything to do in Puebla until Monday, so I decided to come back here, in the Monster City, to visit some friends and fix some things. I managed to order a new laptop, in the US, which will arrive in a week or two, and a friend is bringing it back here. I haven’t figured out yet how to ship it from Mexico City to Oaxaca, but that’s a problem for later… πŸ˜›
In the meantime I met a lot of friends from the hackmitin, spent some time around, and just relaxed a bit… I’ll stay another day or two, and then go back to Oaxaca overnight (i found a really cheap and slow bus, which is perfect!) to work on a quite interesting project. Well, that’s all for now, wish me good luck πŸ™‚

Day 30/31/32/33/34 – Puebla – Oaxaca – Puebla

It’s been a while since I last updated the blog, so let’s make a quick summary:
Day 30/31: two days of Hackmitin. And I must say it, I was impressed! The feeling was the same of the firsts Italian ones, where the spirit was high and everyone tried to contribute as much as they could. Totally horizontal, assemblies every day, multiple times, to organize every detail of the organization. The talks were interesting as well, but I enjoyed much more talking with the people, or just hacking around πŸ™‚ Well, there is so much more to write, about all the people, the hacks, the recipes, everything really! But, I don’t have too much time now, so let’s move on…
Day 32: A guy I met at the Hackmitin convinced me to go to Puebla, hitchhiking! A wonderful experience, a bit slow at the beginning (getting out of Puebla as been painful), but we met a lot of interesting/weird people on the way, and managed to arrive in Oaxaca not too late…
I found a cheap hostel, and that’s when I received the first call:
the guy I was looking for finally showed up in another hostel in Puebla, and they called me. Oh crap… Well, let’s write emails around and ask for suggestions.
Day 33: got some answers back, people asked other people around, even the police visited the hostel but they couldn’t do anything without me. In the meantime I met a friend-of-a-friend who explained to me a really cool project he’s working on. I can’t say too much now, but it’s about cellphone networks and small communities… good stuff πŸ˜€
Anyway, in the evening I got called by my friends in Puebla, telling me that I really should come back and have a chat with the guy.
Day 34: Ok, let’s go. Spent the next 4 hours in the bus station, hopped on a bus at 2.30 which left me at Puebla around 7. Another friend picked me up, we rushed to the hostel, but it was too late… The guy already left around 5.30. He sensed that something was fishy and run away. The only good feeling I got about it is the fact that he was panicking, with no money left, and probably with no way to get back home (he’s from Puerto Rico). Honestly, fuck you.
And now, here I am, sitting in the patio of a university in Puebla, writing these same words… No plan left for tomorrow, probably going back to Oaxaca to meet another friend before he leave for Europe. As always, stay tuned πŸ˜‰

Day 28/29 – Puebla

Hackmitin! πŸ˜€ The last two days have been hectic, and I must say that I enjoyed it a lot! Yesterday was mostly about preparations, and today as well. I’m still amazed by the Mexican hospitality, and the fact that I came from the land which invented the hackmeeting makes it even more interesting. Everyone has been really nice to me, they even lent me a laptop to prepare my workshop and finish some personal stuff.
Today it’s really starting, people are slowly coming in, and tomorrow is going to be quite full πŸ˜‰ The place is small but cosy, and the feeling is kind of different from what I experienced in Italy, maybe because they are a younger community, maybe because I see it from a different point of view. Still, I like it a lot πŸ˜›
Not much else to say, I haven’t decided yet where to go next, let’s talk around with people and see…

Day 26/27 – Puebla

Ok, let’s start with the bad news: my laptop and some money got stolen yesterday (Tuesday) from my hostel locker. Truth to be told, it was my fault. The locker was not really safe and it only took a bit of force to break it. Was quite of a shock, but I haven’t lost anything important. All my stuff is safe in a backup in Amsterdam, and I still have all my photos.
Now, let’s talk about Puebla πŸ™‚ Lovely city, the most colonial one of all Mexico. I only explored a bit the historic centre, but I took some time to visit the nearby Cholula which host the biggest pyramid in all Americas. Well, it doesn’t really look like a pyramid, because when the conquistadores arrived it was already abandoned for a long while, so they thought it was just a hill and built a church on top of it. Centuries later, they discovered the pyramid. Now it’s possible to explore a part of the underground tunnels, and I must say it, exploring it alone give you shivers πŸ˜€
Today I’m going to relax a bit after the crappy day of yesterday, and try to visit some museums, churches and other touristic stuff πŸ˜›
Of course, because I don’t have a computer anymore, my updates are going to be a bit more sporadic. Please bear with me πŸ˜‰

Day 21/22/23/24/25 – Xalapa – Michoacan – Xalapa

Please, have a seat, get something to drink, and get comfortable. This is going to be a long post πŸ™‚

Day 21: We try, without much success, to wake up early. After a round of showers, breakfast, and the usual stuff left at the end, we finally leave at 8.00AM (or something like that…). The trip is a long one, starting from Xalapa and arriving in Morelia (Michuacan), something in the order of 600+ km. We decide to skip Mexico City (which is HELL) and take the Arco Norte, which is longer but definitely faster. It takes us 8 hours to get there, one full tank and a lot of money in toll roads πŸ™‚
When we finally get there, the girl who’s going to host us is busy, so we take a stroll in the city, visit the usual places (the zocalo, cathedral, etc. etc.) and end up in the “Colegio de San NicolΓ‘s de Hidalgo”, which was hosting a contest for the best “Ofrenda”, which is the tradition altar full of food and drinks for the spirit of the dead, which is supposed to came back and visit it on that day. Very colorful, with a lot of scholars dressed up and painted in the classic skull theme. The age was around 14-19, and I felt so old… πŸ˜›
Anyway, after that we spent some more time around, tasted the local coffee, had a walk in the center and finally met our host Karina. Finding her house was a bit of a problem, because Google Maps sent us in a road with no exit πŸ™‚ Well, we got around it, and ended up in a house of 10 people, mostly students. Most of them were not at home (being a national holiday), so we managed to get space for 5 people. Try to do that in Europe, if you can…
Our host was very friendly, and we spent the rest of the evening chatting in front of a beer.

Day 22: We tried (again, without much success), to get up early in the morning. Next stop: PΓ‘tzcuaro! Beautiful small city, close to the lake with the same name, it’s the place to be during the Dias de Muertos. Tons of local food, artisan and local products. We hanged around for a while, did some shopping at the local market (like 3 different kinds of chili), and then moved in the direction of the lake. From there, we took a boat to the island ofΒ Janitzio. Tiny island, sitting in the middle of the lake, it’s mostly famous for its fishermans (using a “mariposa”/butterfly net) and the celebrations of 1/2 November. We had a great evening, with local music and dance shows, only interrupted by a comida which was a bit too heavy, even for my tastes… πŸ˜‰
The thing that broke the magic was the visit to the Pantheon, were all the locals are decorating the graves and spending the night with their dead relatives. The place was crowded, full of drunk tourists, and in general a big disappointment. The general impression, at least for us, was of a cultural sell-out in the name of the greatest god of all, Money. Sad but true πŸ™
We got out of the island at around 2AM, and ended up sleeping in the WV Beetle and in a tent, just close to the boats.

Day 23: after a hard night (for the ones sleeping in the car, me included) we managed to get up and running, visit a couple of pueblos in theΒ neighborhood, and go back to Morelia. There, after a fantastic coffee in a very cool cafe, we got a free theater show in the main square of the city, “Don Juan Tenorio”. Not bad, not bad at all πŸ™‚
We spent the night in the same house, but our host was gone, and her friend helped up instead. Thank you πŸ˜‰

Day 24: This time, we almost managed to get in time! πŸ™‚ (I was the late one…)
We went straight to the eastern part of Michoacan, up in the mountains (3300m!) to visit the Sierra Chincua sanctuary, were the Mariposa Monarca goes to meet and get pregnant… Of course, being the lucky people we are, we were a bit early, and only managed to see a bunch of butterflies. Never the less, the place is impressive, and the guide explained us the story of the place, the life cycle of the butterflies and a thousand others interesting details. Worth every minute!
From there, we decided to head back home. Unfortunately, we also decided to take the shortest path and go via Mexico City. Bad, bad idea… πŸ™ We lost a lot of time trying to get through it , managed to find our way, got lost, got back on track πŸ™‚ Then we reached Puebla, got lost again, and finally got on the right way. We arrived at destination around 2AM πŸ˜‰

Day 25: This was another family day πŸ˜‰ This time, we got woken up by Dora and Javi’s father, which prepared a fantastic breakfast of TamalesΒ and Tortillas with carne. It then got better with a visit to the grandmother, which served us another big round of Tamales, and ended even better with another round from the aunt, plus coffee with sweet bread. We were kind of exploding after that… πŸ˜›

And now, Dora and Antonio are back to Veracruz. I’m writing this post in my last few hours in Xalapa, and I can’t say THANK YOU enough to Dora, Javier, Antonio and Deyis for their hospitality. I spent two weeks with them, and I can say that I never met people like them before. I will always remember them for everything they did, and of course they are always welcome in any future place I’m going to live. Be my guests πŸ™‚

Tomorrow I’m going to Puebla, I need to work on some things and prepare a talk for the hackmitin, the Mexican version the HackMeeting. Wish me good luck!

Day 19/20 – Xalapa

Oops, i skipped a day… Anyway, yesterday has been quite uneventful, so I can just skip over it (rain, boredom, fixing computers) πŸ™‚
Today, on the other hand, was quite a nice day! I visited Coatepec (famous for the coffee, which I tasted personally and it’s GOOD) and Xico, one the many “pueblos magicos” of Mexico. The atmosphere is… hard to describe. The place is quite high in the mountains (1300m), and today was all cloudy and wet. Small cobblestone roads, quiet people, a mix of different smells of coffee, mole, bakeries and random food makes it quite pleasant to walk around. My friend Antonio brought me into a very weird, old-school bar completely covered with corrida posters (Xico is famous for it), and we tasted some “vino de mora” (blackberry wine). Obviously, I liked it πŸ˜€
To finish the tour, we ended up at the near waterfall, after driving and walking for quite a while… weary, but worth the effort! (yes, I took photos… you’ll get them soon!).
Anyway, we’re now ready for the 5-days trip, so I won’t update this blog for a while…
See you in a bit! :-*

Day 18 – Xalapa

Family day πŸ™‚ Desayuno with the father, comida with the mother. Well, I can’t complain about the Mexican hospitality, they are incredibly nice people, I’ve been eating like a pig and having a lot of fun! The evening was even cultural!!!! We went to a festival of modern/experimental dance, with 3 different groups showing off. Even my artistic side is now satisfied. πŸ˜›
There are plans of going to Michoacan for the Dia dos Muertos, which involve a trip of 600km in a old Wolkswagen Beetle. Sounds like a plan πŸ˜€
More news will come a.s.a.p, for now I’m just enjoying myself…

Day 17 – Xalapa

And here we are again πŸ™‚ Yes, i slacked off a bit lately, but only because I was having too much fun to care about the blog πŸ˜›
I arrived yesterday in Xalapa, spent the evening/night around with Dora, his boyfriend, the brother, her girlfriend and random other people (as usual) πŸ™‚
I had the chance to see a show of flamenco and Β belly dance. (yes, they don’t really match, but it was interesting none-the-less!)
On top of that, a midnight snack in a pizzeria, and I must say it, it was really good and cheap πŸ˜€
Today we’ve been walking around the center with Dora’s mother, the ladies shopping, the gentlemen following πŸ˜‰ Xalapa is a maze of small streets, colorful buildings and a huge variety of shops, cafes, cultural centers, libraries, curches, etc. etc. It’s really the culture capital of the state of Veracruz!
We had lunch with “tacos de canasta” in the park, walked around for hours, and discovered all the tiny, beautiful corners of this city. And now I’m a bit tired… πŸ˜‰
Anyway, plenty of things to do here, let’s see about tomorrow!

Day 15/16 – Veracruz

Yes, I’m constantly forgetting to update the blog on time πŸ™‚ Anyway, this post is going to be for yesterday AND today, as I’m going to move to Xalapa later today.
Yesterday was a nice, sunny day. I spent most of it walking around the city, I visited the Naval Museum, which is mostly a show of force and weapons πŸ™
Anyway, the best part was sitting on a bench in the Zocalo (the main square), reading a book, and ending up in a 2-hours discussion with a local theater actress! She was exuberant, talking about the history of Veracruz, the people, her job as actress and singer, basically EVERYTHING πŸ™‚ And that’s the beauty about this place: the people can’t wait to talk with you, share, laugh, socialize. Probably that’s why I’m liking it so much, I never had an experience like that in Europe. πŸ˜›
Today I’m going up in the mountains to visit Xalapa, thanks to my friend Dora who is bringing me there. Being her home town, I’ll have to visit the entire family, her boyfriend, all her friends, etc. etc. but then again, I like it πŸ˜€
I’ll try to get some proper pics, and there is a remote possibility of going for a walk here: Pico de OrizabaΒ (no, not on the top, don’t worry!)
P.S. Eating fish here is an experience in itself, if you’re passing by this city, DO IT! (and it’s cheap too!)

Day 14 – Veracruz

(I know, this was supposed to be posted yesterday… Sorry!). Life is good, quiet and relaxing. I’ve been to the beach, fixed some things in my computer during the hottest hours of the day, I’m meeting people, eating as much as I can, drinking 1 beer per day.
I can’t really imagine a better life, for now. I should probably be around all day, visit EVERYTHING, but I can’t really push myself. πŸ˜‰
Not much else to say, more news will come in due time…