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Day 18 – Xalapa

Family day 🙂 Desayuno with the father, comida with the mother. Well, I can’t complain about the Mexican hospitality, they are incredibly nice people, I’ve been eating like a pig and having a lot of fun! The evening was even cultural!!!! We went to a festival of modern/experimental dance, with 3 different groups showing off. Even my artistic side is now satisfied. 😛
There are plans of going to Michoacan for the Dia dos Muertos, which involve a trip of 600km in a old Wolkswagen Beetle. Sounds like a plan 😀
More news will come a.s.a.p, for now I’m just enjoying myself…


  1. whale wrote:

    like a pig …. just as whenever you have meals at the civardis

    Monday, October 29, 2012 at 09:57 | Permalink
  2. peter wrote:

    ciaby che figata! mi sono letto ora tutti i post di seguito! beh..mi sembra che te la stia cavando benone amico!

    Monday, October 29, 2012 at 18:51 | Permalink