Tuesday, November 26, 2013
È già passato un anno. Anche qualcosina di più, se considero la mia partenza da Amsterdam. Normalmente questi pensieri si fanno a fine anno, quando ci si può guardare indietro e tirare le somme. È andato bene, male, peggio, così così. È qualcosa che facciamo tutti, consciamente e non, per cercare di dare un senso al passato e […]
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I’ve been waiting for this moment, but now it’s time 🙂 We installed the first community-based GSM network, which is now starting to accept users. We’re around 30 users at the moment, with 50 more ready to be connected. Everything is working quite smoothly at the moment, and in a few days we’re going to […]
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Monday, February 11, 2013
I’m back in Oaxaca, after 2 crazy weeks in Mexico City. The GSM project is moving forward, and we just started a crowdfunding campaign to buy the equipment necessary for the first test. This is the campaign link: http://igg.me/at/rhizomatica/ Please have a look, watch the video, share it, donate if you can 🙂
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Thursday, January 31, 2013
It all looked pretty easy in the beginning. Go there, get the stuff, get out. It would be quick and easy, I tought. How wrong I was… 😉 The original plan was to stay here for 3-4 days, and I’m already 9 down… Getting the equipment looked easy at the beginning, and then it got […]
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Thursday, January 17, 2013
It’s been a long while since I posted my last update, so let’s make a small summary: – Spent another week (or 2) in San Cristobal, I attended the CIDECI conference (http://seminarioscideci.org/), worked on tech stuff and translations. If you have some time, have a look at all the material there, it’s quite interesting! – […]
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Thursday, December 27, 2012
The end of the Maya calendar came and went, nothing happened, so we still need to live after all… pity 😛 Anyway, on the 20-21-22 I was around the ruins of Tonina and Palenque, just to make sure that if something ever happened, I was there! I also spent some hours at the Rainbow Gathering […]
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
I know, my updates are not as frequent as before, but my trip is changing as well, on a slower pace… and so my blog 🙂 I spent the last week in San Cristobal, hanging around, meeting people, working or dreaming on projects. Tomorrow I’ll move to Tonina, and then to Palenque, probably for some […]
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Monday, December 10, 2012
Ok, enough of counting days. 🙂 I haven’t updated this blog in a while, so let’s make a quick summary: I spent almost two weeks in Oaxaca working on a very interesting project about GSM networks in the indigenous communities of Oaxaca. You can find all the details here: http://rhizomatica.org/ Not much to say about […]
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Monday, November 26, 2012
First things first: I didn’t update the blog for a week, and I’m really sorry about that 🙁 What happened this week: I spent Sunday and Monday in Mexico City, then a friend asked if I would like to visit the Sierra Norte, in the state of Puebla. Well, why not? 🙂 So we went […]
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Sunday, November 18, 2012
My plan keeps changing 😛 I spent one day more in Puebla, and I didn’t have anything to do in Puebla until Monday, so I decided to come back here, in the Monster City, to visit some friends and fix some things. I managed to order a new laptop, in the US, which will arrive […]
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