Today I went back to the usual tourist stuff 😉 I visited the Templo Mayor (and the museum), which was the center of the world for the Mexica culture (which overlaps a lot with the Aztecs). Funny thing is, because the temple was in a specific place, and they couldn’t make a bigger/better one in any other place, they kept building on top of it.
Result: 7 different layers, on top of each other 🙂
But then the Spanish came, and decided to just destroy it and build a church on top. Which basically summarize the entire concept of religion and progress 😛
Anyway, really interesting stuff! I also had a long walk in the center, around the Calle Regina, full of students, interesting street art and vertical garden. My camera decided to die exactly in that moment, of course… :-/
Anyway, in 3 days I’ll be gone from here, and I’m currently trying to get into the CouchSurfing business and get a place to sleep in Veracruz. Crossing finger, it should work 😛
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