Thursday, October 18, 2012
Small update: after yesterday, I decided to post in the afternoon/evening, at least I will have a fresh image of what I just did 😛 Today was Xochimilco day, first vising the Doloros Olmedo Museum, and then a quick trip to Xochimilco itself. The Museum was fantastic, and it’s probably the biggest collection of the […]
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Ok, this update comes a bit late, this morning I forgot to post 😉 Yesterday was kind of a slow day, I went to the sactuary of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe and took some pictures for my mum 😛 (no, I haven’t found the light, I’m still an atheist!) Today I managed to visit the Trotsky […]
Yesterday was arts&food Sunday 😉 I visited the Palacio of Bellas Artes, which hosted an exposition on Brian Nissen (never heard of him, but I liked it!), and some of the best murales ever made. One in particular, “El hombre controlador del universo” from Diego Rivera, is a masterpiece which takes a good 20 minutes […]
Yesterday was the non-turistic day 😉 Yep, I didn’t do anything related to history, culture or art. On the other side, I spent quite a lot of time walking around looking for things. I _finally_ managed to get pen&paper, and my predictions were right: there was an entire AREA of the city just for paper […]
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Quick update: The anthropology museum was a blast! It contains EVERYTHING about all the mesoamerican culture, both before and after the colonization. Zona Rosa is not bad at all 🙂 Lots of bars, clubs, nice people, doesn’t really look dangerous. Or maybe I was just lucky… 😛 What to do today: no clue. I’m still […]
Here we are again 😉 The first day wasn’t bad at all. I discovered some interesting things about this city (and Mexico in general): The shops are grouped together by type. It took me 2 hours to find one mobile phone’s shop, which was next to 20 others of the same kind 😛 The numbering […]
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Just landed (well, actually yesterday, but I was too tired to write anything..) 😉 Mexico City is beautiful, exactly as I remember it. There are some things you always have to remember when you go around, like: – never pick up a taxi on the street, call a taxi company and let them pick you […]