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This blog exist since last year to keep track of my trips. It started as a diary of the Nomads Marocco project (, but it has been abandoned shortly afterwards… 😉

Now, more than a year later, I’m trying to re-start it as a diary of my Central-South America vaganboding. I’ll try to keep it up to date as much as possible, but if you don’t see updates for a while, feel free to comment and bash me in any way you like 😀

Btw, who am I:

  • Ciaby, male, born in 1985 (you do the math)
  • Linux and Free Software fanatic
  • Electronics enthusiast (with very little results, until now…) 😉
  • Normally working as a Linux/UNIX SysAdmin, currently unemployed (and proud of it!)
  • Interested in foreign languages, cultures, food and music
  • Currently speaking Italian, English, French, Spanish, and a tiny bit of Dutch (I never managed to like it, sorry Dutch friends…) 🙂

What else? no clue, but you can always comment and correct me 😛